EZ-ELEKTROSYSTÉMY Košice s.r.o. Teplárenská 5, 040 12 Košice

Profile of activities

High voltage electrical technology

- switching stations and transformer station of all types and voltages up to 52 kV

- feeding distribution lines, external cable lines 6 kV to 110 kV

- high voltage kinetic distributions

- external and internal lighting

- lightning rods and earthing networks


Automation and regulation technology

 - complex automation of industrial enterprises and manufacturing plants


Complete delivery of photovoltic electric plants

- supply, assembly, revisions, setting into operation, maintenance


Main concentration of our services

- supply, assembly, revitalization and putting into operation

- high voltage devices without voltage limitation

- control systems, measurement and regulation technology

- safeguarding equipment

- lightning rods for objects A, B, C


Repair, maintenance and service

- electrical equipments without voltage limitations

- revisions of electrical equipments for objects of category A, B without voltage limitation

- lightning rods as contractors in the range of activities


Technical equipment

The firms is technically equipped for complex assemblies, tests, revisions and setting devices into operation in the branch of electric engineering. It owns hand tools, drilling machines, demolition tools, milling machines for concrete and plasters, welding sets, special assembly tools, measurement instruments, equipment for measurement and diagnostics of high voltage devices. The firm has also its own means of transport.